Put-On Stickers vs. Stick-Ons

In 1991, Topps Ireland re-released the Put-On Stickers set and renamed it Stick-Ons. Even though they were called Stick Ons,

Topps didn't bother to reword the "put on" which was next to every sticker on every card in the set. At least 13 of the cards were manipulated for the Irish market. Some stickers were replaced and some colors were changed for various reasons. The original cards were whiteback while the stick-ons had a puzzle back with two different puzzles to put together. Red Blue

(Washington and Lincoln had to be changed because they don't have $5 bills in Ireland and George isn't the father of anyone there.)

*Note the size of the Irish cards: 2⅛"x 3" compared to the standard US size of 2½" x 3½

Click the cards below to see side by side Comparisons Between The Put-On Stickers &The Irish Stick-Ons.


#4 #5 #6 #9 #10 #28 #31
#11 #12 #17 #22 #24 #32

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